
View On-Demand: 3 Ways to Prevent Over-Torque Failures with Cam-Over Wrench Technology

Implementing a solution that prevents over-torque events is critical for engineers to reduce scrap rate costs. Over-torqueing a fastener generates risks of fastening failures and damaged products. Applying the right amount of torque to each fastener maximizes its holding potential. 

Cam-over wrench technology safeguards against fastening failures and enhances the reliability of the fastening process. Applying too much force while tightening a fastener can result in over-stretching a bolt, stripping a screw, breaking a screw head, or damaging the threads. The cam-over wrench's mechanism design limits the torque an operator applies. This type of torque limiting mechanism is what separates different torque wrench technology. 

Fastening bolts with a click wrench expose manufacturers to a quality risk. The tool does not physically prevent an operator from applying additional force and is easily susceptible to over-torque results.

Our product specialist David Cash will teach you three ways to prevent over-torque failures with cam-over wrench technology. His tips will help you improve the manufacturing process and productivity by consistently applying the correct torque value to each fastener. Please register today to attend our live event and receive our on-demand webinar recording 48 hours after the presentation.

You Will Learn:

  • What type of torque wrenches are susceptible to over-torque events.
  • How cam-over technology prevents over-torque occurrences.
  • Discover the productivity benefits of a preset cam-over wrench.
  • How to implement an error-proofing process.
  • How to ensure correct torque is consistently applied.
  • Discover the quality differences between a click vs. cam-over wrench.

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