Class 1: Product Over View: What is an Error-Proofing Screwdriver System?
Learn about error-proofing aids and tools that allow you to monitor and document each fastening process in real-time,eliminating costly mistakes and providing peace of mind. We will discuss how to implement a fail-safe process that ensures correct torque is applied. There are various options available to get the job done, including in-line, right angle, pistol grip, robotic, cordless and transducerised tools.
Class 2: Mountz DC Control Tool Set-Up 101
DC tools give you the flexibility you need to carry out varied and complex manufacturing processes. In this workshop,discover the various fastening options that can be programmed. We will discuss the process of recording and storing the torque & fastening data, assembly monitoring options, line monitoring techniques, and performing data collection analysis.
Class 3: DC Tool Fastening Workflow Options & Configuration
Learn how to enhance your manufacturing processes' reliability and efficiency by achieving multiple fastening tasks with one tooling system. Automated screwdriver systems allow you to establish standardised, automated fastening workflows and sequencing events, ensuring the correct torque values are delivered, time after time. You will learn how to group similar processes and assign a set of standardised tasks. We will discuss programming fastening sequences and torque tolerances, ideal for sensitive and difficult assembly joints.
Class 4: DC Tool Fastening Automation Workflows
We will review advanced fastening program options and techniques available with intelligent screwdriver systems, including installing and using a barcode scanner. Using a scanner allows an operator to instantly trigger an assigned event and capture and record data.
This capability is an error-proofing technique that permanently links the fastening data with the right component. Combined with built-in error-proofing software, smart screwdrivers offer maximum production results and product oversight. With documented fastening results, these precision tools also make regulatory compliance effortless.
Class 5: Cut the Cord- Advantages of the Mountz Cordless DC Control Tool
Learn the benefits of using cordless battery power tools. We will walk through various fastening options that can be programmed directly on the stand-alone cordless driver. Discover how to create visual workflow guides to display drawings or photos to manage a fastening process and use the built-in bar code scanner.