
View On-Demand: How to Select a Cleanroom or ESD Screwdriver for a Torque Application

In the intricate world of controlled manufacturing environments, where precision and cleanliness are paramount, the choice of tools plays a pivotal role. Dust, microbes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pollutants are adversaries that must be meticulously managed in industries such as semiconductors, medical devices, aerospace and defense, and optics.

Clean rooms, foreign object debris (FOD) control areas, clean facilities, light labs, ESD (static dissipative) spaces, laser laboratories, pharmaceuticals, and biologic facilities demand tools beyond conventional standards.

With the demand for cleanroom and ESD safe manufacturing, the need for torque tools that meet stringent requirements has increased. Finding the right tools for your cleanroom or ESD environment is as necessary as creating a sealed environment. Without the right tools, your cleanroom or ESD manufacturing application may soon be fouled by particulate contamination or zapped by electrostatic discharge produced during the manufacturing process, negating all the effort that went into purifying and preventing these costly damaging occurrences.

Attending this webinar will give you valuable insights into the various torque screwdriver options available for cleanroom and ESD environments by our product specialist, David Cash. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions and prevent costly damage to your manufacturing process. Please register today to attend our live event and receive our on-demand webinar recording 48 hours after the presentation.

What You Will Learn:

  • The most common cleanroom and ESD type of torque screwdrivers
  • How cam-over technology prevents over-torque occurrences
  • Benefits of a tool with a wear-resistant internal seal to prevent grease leakage and minimize airborne contamination
  • Cleaning regimen and process to maintain these tools
  • How an ESD tool prevents electrostatic discharge & maintains a static dissipative surface resistivity  
  • How to ensure correct torque is consistently applied
  • Best practices to ensure a reliable fastened joint

Featured Products:

FG Cleanroom Screwdrivers

FG Cleanroom Screwdrivers

FGA Cleanroom Screwdrivers
ESD coming soon
ESD Screwdrivers

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